Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Anticipation 2012

Rather than make New Year's Resolutions, I've had fun filling in my daytimer for 2012. Really - it was fun! Why? Well, it made me realize how many great things I have to look forward to this year. I like planning things, and so knowing that I have fun things to adventurize and plan for gives me a great boost.

Like what?


January: Skating at the Robson Square ice rink on each of the 2nd and 3rd days off I have every set. Dine out Vancouver starts Jan 20th! Going to Yoga and dance classes. The Golden gloves are Jan 15th! Continuing to write letters to my friends on the 2nd days off of my sets. Finishing Michael's wool mittens. Gearing up to the Oscars by watching lots and lots of (at this point, potentially) Oscar nominated films, since the nominations are announced Jan 23rd!
It's rainy in Vancouver, but it's winter in my heart when I skate here! 
 February: Travelling to Quebec for Carnivale d'Hiver, Montreal for fun, and Ottawa to visit family and skate on the Rideau canal (and going between them by train!) The prospect of having my first married Valentine's day in Montreal (trĂ©s romantique!), Mardi Gras (I'll be at work, but I plan on making pancakes for supper when I come home!), and a weekend trip to Banff to ski with my Albertan friends. Plus, of course, the oscars (even if I have to watch them when we come back from skiing!)
Ice castles and french people - and real poutine!!
March: Knowing that I have the day after St. Patrick's day off from work.

April: Coldplay live!

May: Turning 26 - half way through my twenties!

July: Trip to Cargary for the Stampede, and then potentially also hitting up Merritt Mountain Music Festival on the way back! Also, knowing that I have the entirety of the Canada Day long weekend OFF from work (yippee!)
yeehaw! Stampedin' we come!
 August: Getting to do that "One Night Only Walk On Role" in a local production of RENT that I won at a silent auction. Celebrating my first Wedding Anniversary with that guy I love. I've also been planning a fantasy vacation to Stratford for the week of the 21-26th. I figure I can get in to see 9 shows in 6 days! We'll see if it actually happens, but it's nice to dream!
Feels like home, here at the Festival Theatre. *sigh*
 September: this is theoretically the month where I'll start the wound care specialty course I've been musing about forever. But now I've actually submitted my application (with payment) and transcripts are in the mail! Go me! Yay September and higher learning!
I guess technically I don't have the whole year thought out, since I don't have anything for Oct/Nov/Dec yet. But maybe I can be thinking about this years' Hallowe'en costume...and Christmas again!

I also look forward to impromptu visits with friends, thinking about tea parties I can have (and tea parties I can go to), Summer concerts and festivals, theatre and....

Here's to 2012 - the year of living well. The year of living optimistically, and confidently, and happuily! Cheers!

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